Reservations & Payments : A deposit of $500 per person is required to secure a reservation. Full payment is required no later than 45 days prior to departure. Payments are by cash, personal check, money order . There will be a minimum $100 penalty for insufficient funds in a checking account .

 Rooms:  Prices are based on double occupancy.  Single rooms are available at a supplementary cost, please inquire at office. On those rare occasions when we are not able to get a roommate for you, you will be required to pay the single supplement.

Taxes: All taxes are included

Tipping: The price of the Pilgrimage does not include tips and gratuities. For good services, tipping the tour guide and the motor coach driver is recommended. It's $15 per day per person.

Insurance:  Recommended. / We only carry medical insurance.

Baggage: The passenger is allowed to bring 1 checked bag.  Luggage is the passenger's responsibility and that the airlines. For lost luggage claims, the passenger is responsible for notifying the airlines directly.

Trip Cancellations: If you cancel your Pilgrimage, cancellation fees and penalties will be deducted  from your refund. Cancellation fees do apply to deposit checks. Airline penalties could be total cost of airline ticket.

Responsibility and Liability for Flight and Pilgrimage Accommodations and Services: Discovering XXI Century .  (herein referred to as the company) is responsible for making all arrangements for pilgrimage services offered in the brochure. The airlines, hotels, land operator, and other suppliers providing services are independent contractors and not agents, employees, or associates of the Company. Discovering XXI Century assumes no responsibility or liability in connection with the service of any aircraft, motor coach, taxi, or other conveyance which may be used in the performance of its duty to the passengers. All vouchers and others documents for services issued by the company are subject to the terms and conditions specified by the suppliers and to the laws of the country where services are supplied. The company reserves the right to decline or accept or retain any person as a pilgrim participant, to make changes in the itinerary whenever the company deems it necessary to the comfort, convenience and safety of the pilgrimage participants, and to cancel a pilgrimage at any time

The pilgrim participant agrees that the company shall not be liable for any changes in flight schedules, delays, weather conditions, damages, losses (including personal injuries, deaths, and property losses) or expenses occasioned by acts or omissions of any person, including suppliers providing services, or for any acts of war, insurrection, revolts or other civil uprising, military actions, strikes, or acts of God occurring in either the country of origin, through passage, or destination. No person other than an authorized representative of the company by written document is authorized to vary, add, or waive any term or conditions in this brochure, including the terms and conditions set forth in the foregoing provisions.

 Passports and visas: All pilgrims must have a valid and up-to-date passport. Visas are Required to China even if you have an American Passport. If traveling to Europe, or Far East and have a foreign passport, most likely you WILL require  visa. Please call or email our office.

Note:  The sequence of activities in the itinerary may change or may be reversed but none will be omitted except for circumstances  beyond our control

Descubriendo el Siglo XXI / Holy Cross Church

325 West 38 Street Suite 206

New York, NY 10018

(212) 244 4778  fax (212) 868 6997



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