Primacy of Peter


"The third time he said to him: 'Simon, son of John, do you love me?'." (John 21:17)
A chapel on the lake shore - a short distance from the Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and the Fishes - marks the site where, according to Christian tradition, Jesus appeared to his disciples for the third time and confirmed the spiritual primacy of the Apostle Peter.
The present chapel, built of black basalt stones, was erected by the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land in 1933 on the ruins of earlier shrines. Elements of the 4th-century church can be seen along the outside base of three of the walls.

The section of flat rock in front of the altar inside the present chapel is popularly identified as Mensa Christi (Lat., the table of Christ), the assumed place where On the lakeside of the chapel are twelve rock-cut steps, quite possibly those described by the 4th-century Spanish pilgrim, the Lady Egeria. Pope Paul VI visited the chapel on 5 January 1964, during his historic pilgrimage to the Holy Land.

The Church of the Primacy of St. Peter occupies the site where Jesus appeared for the third time after His Resurrection (John 21). The current modest, black basalt structure was built in 1933 by the Franciscans on the site of a 4th century church. At the base of the newer walls, at the end furthest from the altar, you can plainly see the ancient wall on three sides. The flat rock in front of the altar is believed to be the actual table at which Jesus and His disciples ate; it was known to Byzantine pilgrims as Mensa Christi (Christ's Table).

Outside the church, near the water, are steps cut out of the rock. Some believe this was where Jesus stood when the disciples saw Him, but they were possibly cut during the 2nd to 3rd century when this area was quarried for limestone. Six double, or heart-shaped, column bases lie below the steps, however, they are underwater when the lake level is high. These could have been taken from nearby buildings and intended to commemorate the 12 disciples. The church is open daily from 8 am to 6 pm and admission is free.




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