Temple of Apollo

This is the most important sanctuary of ancient Ambracia, dedicated to Apollo Pythios, the Soter. The temple is located in the centre of the modern city of Arta. It is peripheral, in Doric order (measuring 20.75 x 44 m.), with a pronaos and a longitudinal sella, inside which was found the base of the statue or the symbol of the god worshipped. The temple is preserved to a very small height (up to the euthenteria), because it was used as a quarry in the Early Christian period.  The monument is dated to ca. 500 B.C. on the basis of its pores architectural parts. In the Early Christian period the area was occupied by vaulted tombs and was later used as a quarry.

The temple was discovered in 1964 and was then excavated for the first time by J. Vocotopoulou. The excavation was continued in 1966 and 1968 and completed in 1975-1977.
It is the first nearly complete temple still surviving, with for the first time, all three architectural styles: Doric, Ionian and Corinthian. The temple was erected on a raised area, 1,131m, called the 'Bassai', meaning little vale in the rocks.
It is a Doric peripheral temple made from local limestone, and consists of a prodome and a cella. It is orientated north to south. In the cella there was a column with a Corinthian capital, which is the oldest known example of its kind.
The temple was decorated with a marble sculpted frieze depicting the battles between the Amazons and the Centaurs. The frieze's marbles have been looted by the British and can now be found in the British Museum.
The temple, work of Ictinos architect of the Parthenon, is dated at ca. 420 B.C. It was built over an older temple, by the inhabitants of Figalos in honour of Epicurean Apollo, gratitude for saving them from a plague. The name Epicuros was given to Apollo ca. 650 B.C., during the wars against the Spartans

In 1902, the 1st Archaeological society of Athens began systematic archaeological research of the area, under the direction of K.Kourouniotis, with the assistance of K.Romaios and P.Kavvadias. It was continued in 1959, 1970 and from 1975-1979, under the direction of N.Gialouris.
Small scale restorations have been carried out by the civil engineer N.Balanos and professor H.Bouras. More recently, research has been completed, by the Committee of the Temple of Epicurean Apollo, for the restoration of the temple.
At the present time conservation work on the temple is being done under the supervision of the Committee of the Epicurean


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