1. CYPRUS MUSEUM: Priceless and fascinating collection of Cypriot antiquities and art treasures from the Neolithic Age to the early Byzantine Period.

2. BYANTINE MUSEUM AND ART GALLERIES: Arch. Makarios III Foundation, Cultural Centre, within the Archbishopric, Arch. Kyprianos Square Largest collection of icons on the island, covering the period from 9th to 18th century. The Art Galleries contain oil paintings, maps, lithographs etc.

3. FOLK ART MUSEUM: Within the Old Archbishopric, Arch. Kyprianos Square Wide collection of Cypriot folk art of the 19th and early 20th century, including wood-carved objects, tapestry, embroidery, pottery, national costumes and hand-woven materials.

4. NATIONAL STRUGGLE MUSEUM: Near the Archbishopric, Arch. Kyprianos   Documents, photos and other memorabilia of the 1955-1959 National Liberation Struggle.

5. AYIOS IOANNIS CATHEDRAL: Within the Archbishopric, Arch. Kyprianos Square. Built by Archbishop Nikiforos in 1662, the recently restored 18th century wall paintings depict biblical scenes and the discovery of the tomb of Saint Barnabas at Salamis. Dedicated to Ayios loannis (Saint John).

Centre of the Cyprus Orthodox Church, the new Archbishopric built in a neo-byzantine style in 1960, contains the private suite of the late Archbishop Makarios. Open to the public only on special occasions.

7. HOUSE OF HADJIGEORGAKIS KORNESSIOS: Originally a Venetian Building. It is probably the most important 18th century building in Nicosia. It was once the house of the Dragoman Hadjigeorgakis Kornessios. The house is being restored and will house the Cyprus Ethnographic Museum. Hadjigeorgakis Kornessios house has won the Europa Nostra award in 1988.

8. FAMAGUSTA GATE: The Venetian walls which completely encircle the old city have a circumference of 4.5 km and possess eleven heart-shaped bastions. There were only three entries to the city through gates, in the north, south and east. One of these gates, the Porta Giuliana, called the Famagusta Gate has been restored and is now the Nicosia Municipal Cultural Centre. The large imposing gate itself leads into a long passage with a central cupola, which cuts through the walls and comes out in the moat. On both sides are high, stonewalled guard-rooms. The restored passage and rooms arc used for exhibitions, conferences, Iectures and various performances. The oId quarter of the town, close to the Famagusta Gate, is also beinR restored.

9. CHRYSALINIOTISSA CHURCH: Within walking distance from the Archbishopric. Considered the oldest Byzantine church in Nicosia it is dedicated to 'Our Lady of the Ciolden Flax' and is believed to have been built in 1450 by Queen Helena Palaeologos.

10. OMERIYEH MOSQUE: Near the Old Municipal Market within the walled city.

Converted into a mosque in 1571 by Mustapha Pasha, who believed that the original 14th century Augustinian church of St. Mary’s was built on the spot where prophet Omer rested when visiting Nicosia. Most of the original building was destroyed by Ottoman artillery. Engraved tombstones of the Lusignan period were used to re-floor the mosque. Remains of late Venetian building can be seen near the east end of the mosque.

11. PHANEROMENI CHURCH: Onassagoras street, within the old city.  Built in I872 this used to be the largest church in Nicosia. The marble mausoleum to the east of the church contains the relics of he bishops and priests executed by the Turks in 1821.

12. TRIPIOTIS CHURCH: Solon Street, near Laiki Yitonia . Built by Archbishop Germanos II in 1695 this is an interesting example of the Franco-Byzantine style. The rich interior, the unusually wide iconostasis and silver-covered icon indícate this was once a 'society' church.

13. LAIKI YITONIA: Restored pedestrian area within the walled city, east of' Eleftheria Square. Charming winding alleys with traditional houses and shops, restaurants, galleries, all lovingly restored as typical examples of Cypriot urban architecture of a bygone, more graceful age.

14. STATE COLLECTION OF CONTEMPORARY ART: Corner Stassinos Ave and Crete street Representative collection of paintings and sculpture by Cypriot artists 1930-1980.

15. ST. PAUL'S ANGILICAN CATHEHDRAL CHURCH: Though officially called a Cathedral, this is the parish church for Anglican residents, and was built in I893 in a style reminiscent of many English village churches.

16. MUNICIPAL THEATRE: Museum Street, opposite the Cyprus Museum. This spacious theatre in neo-classical style was completed in 1967. It has a seating capacity of 1200 and is used for performances by the Cyprus Theatrical Organization, musical concerts and recitals, dance performances and for various ceremonies.

17. KYKKO METOCHI: Prokopiou street, Engomi.  Monastery dependency of the famous Kykko Monastery, dating from 1890.

18. CYPRUS HANDICRAFT SERVICE: Athalassa Avenue Tel:(02) 30-5024 (Turn right at the beginning of Nicosia-Limassol highway, traffic lights).

The, aim of the government-run centre is to promote and improve traditional folk art and craft skills by helping artisans to improve their techniques and maintain the quality of their products. The Centre includes a showroom-shop with a wide selection of Cyprus handicrafts, and also shops in Laiki Yitonia and in all other towns.

In Nicosia you will find the most sophisticated Conference Centre on the island which accommodates more than 1, OOO delegates.



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